Ed Pigman
(04/10/1944 – 04/29/2023)
Founder, President and CEO of Transit Resource Center

For more than thirty (30) years, Ed Pigman directed and guided Transit Resource Center (TRC) into a highly recognized leader in the North American transit industry. Ed had deep experience in transit management, maintenance, research, strategic planning, and policy development. His abiding focus ensured that over the years, TRC developed into a highly trusted premiere service provider to the public transit industry.
Ed lived and breathed public transit. This passion was evident in the global reputation he cultivated over his many years of consistent dedication. He left an indelible mark on the lives of those he knew and worked with.
Despite earning advanced undergraduate degrees from the University of Georgia and obtaining two PhDs from the University of Illinois, Ed remained solidly down-to-earth. He comfortably interacted with everyone, his ease of conversation transcended positions within organizations and society. He was a gifted storyteller and an accessible leader.
Ed often talked about his fascination with trains and buses as a small child. He was continually curious and thoughtful about how the vehicles were built, how they worked and where they went. It was no surprise that he built a successful business in this special niche.
Ed had a knack for connecting with the best experts in the public transit industry – engineers, project managers, technicians, transit planners, and other industry experts. With his wife Mary, he brought these highly skilled industry specialists together, creating a strong team focused on serving the needs of North American Public Transit agencies. Over the years, TRC has served clients throughout the world.
With Ed’s departure, Mary Pigman, has successfully assumed the role of President and CEO. This is a position she was well prepared for, having served TRC as Vice President since 1997. As a co-founder Mary has played an integral role in building our companies from the ground up.
Under her direction, our team is dedicated to upholding TRC’s mission with unwavering commitment.
For those fortunate enough to have known Ed personally, they understood that his impact extended far beyond being an avid transit guy. He was a friend, a trusted colleague, a mentor, a visionary, and a creative thinker who pushed the boundaries of innovation. Ed was a trailblazer and a respected business leader, but above all, he was a devoted and loving husband and father.
Ed holds a very strong and special place in our hearts and impacted our team in ways that are evident to each in its own special way. With profound gratitude, we acknowledge the significant positive impact he had on TRC’s culture and each of us individually.
As we move forward, we are honored to stand strong, united in carrying Ed’s legacy forward. We continue to innovate, grow and serve the North American transit industry with the same level of excellence and dedication as Ed did.

Longevity in the Industry
TRC has over thirty years of service to the North American bus industry. The firm is independently owned and has been under the same leadership during its history. Our best advertising is our past performance. When transit agencies and operators contact TRC, they are confident that their needs will be fully met and professionally managed.
We have many satisfied customers throughout North America.